HeavyMonday, Mar. 29, 2010 We gave all seven people the same 買屋網attention and effort. Heavy is still there. 我門給於所有的7個人依樣設計裝潢的關心與照顧但是沉重的負擔/壓力還是存在(市政府聯邦政府的責任還是在烤肉吧?!) · AMIE POSPISIL, · 西服 associate director at a New York City 烤肉食材nonprofit, on the lone person, called Heavy, who still lives on 辦公室出租the streets of Times Square, after the city found permanent 票貼housing or shelter for the remaining seven people living there as seoof last summer 紐約市非利益團體名叫”沉重”對於無家可歸的游民(也許買屋對無殼蝸牛)只有發出語重心長的呼喊. Read more: 永慶房屋http://www.time.com/time/quotes#ixzz0jdGIF7zl

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